Handle tech declines as cancels & search recordings by phone

July 26, 2021

Do you have only one technician in a specific metro and want to turn the jobs he declines into cancels automatically? Have you always wished you could search your call recordings by phone number?

Well now you can!

Handle tech declines as cancels

We have added a new permission you can now use on your technicians, to use it go to technician settings, select the technician you want to turn this on for and click the “Handle declines as cancel” permission, going forward when the technician declines a job he will need to put in a reason for the decline and that will go into your cancel reason if you use this feature. Depending on whether you have the “Skip Pending Cancel” on or not the job will either go to Pending Cancel or Canceled status.

Search recordings by phone number

We have added a new filter option on the recordings page that allows you to filter the recordings to only show recordings that at least one of the numbers on the call matches the number you are filtering on.

Jobs list safe load option added

If you have a very large amount of jobs on the jobs list and a slow computer it is possible for your computer to not be able to handle loading of the jobs list with our default fast load setting. For these cases we have added a new feature called safe load. This loads all the jobs list data in the background and only displays the page after everything is done processing. This improves fully loading of the jobs list by 3 times but loading anything useful on the page takes longer. The choice is yours, use it wisely.

To use the new option click on the Filters button on the Jobs List page and you will see the new button appear next to the Popup On/Off button.


Also released are a few minor bug fixes, If you have any questions or are experiencing any issues please contact us at 888-933-1033 for support, your friendly PowerDispatch team is waiting to help you.